“Lloverá y lloverá hasta que tenga en mi bolsillo todas las canciones del mundo. Y ni siquiera sé si caben en él, pero aún así lo sigo llenando”. La segunda pieza del cancionero es un maravilloso canto a la aventura. Una de esas mágicas liturgias folk creadas por el ilustre dúo. Compuesta por Paul Simon (como casi todas) y ubicada en el álbum “Bookends” (68), “America” representa la auténtica esencia (lírica y musical) de Simon & Garfunkel. ¿Y por qué “America”?. ¿Por qué no “Mrs. Robinson”, “Bridge Over Trobled Water”, “The Boxer” o “The Sound of Silence”?. Porque ésta nos hizo llorar y las demás no. Metámonos en la piel de uno de los viajeros y dejémonos llevar. Por las oscuras carreteras de America o de cualquier parte.
"Let us be lovers we'll marry our fortunes together"
"I've got some real estate here in my bag"
So we bought a pack of cigarettes and Mrs. Wagner pies
And we walked off to look for America
"Kathy," I said as we boarded a Greyhound in Pittsburgh
"Michigan seems like a dream to me now"
It took me four days to hitchhike from Saginaw
I've gone to look for America
Laughing on the bus
Playing games with the faces
She said the man in the gabardine suit was a spy
I said "Be careful his bowtie is really a camera"
"Toss me a cigarette, I think there's one in my raincoat"
"We smoked the last one an hour ago"
So I looked at the scenery, she read her magazine
And the moon rose over an open field
"Kathy, I'm lost," I said, though I knew she was sleeping
I'm empty and aching and I don't know why
Counting the cars on the New Jersey Turnpike
They've all gone to look for America
All gone to look for America
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